How Many Hours Are You Working Today In Spanish

It is common in everyday conversation with friends, co-workers, etc. Take a look at how it is built: Son las nueve de la mañana. It’s 9 AM. Remember, use ” SON LAS” when the hours are plural. For 1 AM or 1 PM say ” ES LA “: Es la 1 (una) de la mañana / de la tarde. It’s 1 AM / PM.

To talk about half an hour in Spanish, you need to use y media. Unlike in English, in Spanish you say the hour first, then the minutes: 01:30 p.m. La una y media. “Half past one.” To say that it’s a quarter past an hour in Spanish, you need to use y cuarto. 01:15 p.m. Es la una y cuarto. “It is a quarter past one.”

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How to say the time in Spanish The basics: To say …past the hour, use y + number of minutes past.. Examples: 2:10 → las dos y diez ten past two 2:15 → las dos y quince quarter past two 2:30 → las dos y media half past two. To say …to the hour, use the upcoming hour + menos:. Examples: 2:35 → las tres menos veinticinco twenty-five to three literally: three o’clock minus twenty-five

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Are you working today? How to say “Are you working today?” in Other Languages.

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How Many Hours Are You Working Today In Spanish

Are you working today? How to say “Are you working today?” in Other Languages. Many translated example sentences containing “how many hours do you work” – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

Apr 7, 2023To tell time in Spanish, we need to use the third singular and plural form of the verb ‘ser’, feminine definite articles, and numbers . ‘Es la ‘ is only used when referring to 1:00 am or 1:00 pm. ‘Son las’ is the structure we use to refer to all the other hours. The conjunction ‘ y’ and the preposition ‘ con ‘ are used to

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Apr 7, 2023To tell time in Spanish, we need to use the third singular and plural form of the verb ‘ser’, feminine definite articles, and numbers . ‘Es la ‘ is only used when referring to 1:00 am or 1:00 pm. ‘Son las’ is the structure we use to refer to all the other hours. The conjunction ‘ y’ and the preposition ‘ con ‘ are used to

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It is common in everyday conversation with friends, co-workers, etc. Take a look at how it is built: Son las nueve de la mañana. It’s 9 AM. Remember, use ” SON LAS” when the hours are plural. For 1 AM or 1 PM say ” ES LA “: Es la 1 (una) de la mañana / de la tarde. It’s 1 AM / PM.

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How to say the time in Spanish The basics: To say …past the hour, use y + number of minutes past.. Examples: 2:10 → las dos y diez ten past two 2:15 → las dos y quince quarter past two 2:30 → las dos y media half past two. To say …to the hour, use the upcoming hour + menos:. Examples: 2:35 → las tres menos veinticinco twenty-five to three literally: three o’clock minus twenty-five

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It’s 1:15. Son las tres y cuarto. It’s 3:15. To express half hours you can use either treinta or media (half): Es la una y treinta. It’s 1:30. Son las cuatro y media. It’s 4:30. For times greater than a half hour you can either add the appropriate number of minutes or skip ahead to the next hour and subtract:

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Are you working today? How to say “Are you working today?” in Other Languages.

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Download Image Many translated example sentences containing “how many hours do you work” – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

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To talk about half an hour in Spanish, you need to use y media. Unlike in English, in Spanish you say the hour first, then the minutes: 01:30 p.m. La una y media. “Half past one.” To say that it’s a quarter past an hour in Spanish, you need to use y cuarto. 01:15 p.m. Es la una y cuarto. “It is a quarter past one.”

It’s 1:15. Son las tres y cuarto. It’s 3:15. To express half hours you can use either treinta or media (half): Es la una y treinta. It’s 1:30. Son las cuatro y media. It’s 4:30. For times greater than a half hour you can either add the appropriate number of minutes or skip ahead to the next hour and subtract:

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